Tuesday 3 April 2007

Solomons Earthquake

It was disturbing to hear on the radio as I drove to work about the devastating 8.1 earthquake yesterday morning in the Solomon Islands. The current death toll is set at 24 with 13 villages destroyed. The news yesterday also carried warnings of a potential tsunami hitting the North Queensland coast at around 9:30am. There was some degree of panic and furious phone calling to friends and relatives. Unfortunately a 10m wave did hit the Solomons, but nowhere else.

Our school received an email from Central Office reassuring staff and students not to think the very worst and flood agencies with calls. Concern was understandable, with several parents serving in The Solomons with the Australian Army and one teacher's husband working for the Australian Federal Police over there.

The Islands have had their fair share of sorrow and disruption to life over these past few years. Our friend Polly has been involved in some of the dispute resolution between feuding factions. Today the depth of the damage is becoming more apparent. Let's hope the small country can recover quickly from this latest setback.

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