Sunday 8 August 2010

Climate Change and Politics

I was driving home today listening to BBC World Service and they had people from the US, Greece and Russia talking about the current extremes in weather. 35c+ for the past three weeks in Russia has created serious fires and drought, impacting on people's health and the economy - the wheat crop is a failure and the price of wheat is already rising around the world. We are having a very mild winter, with us sitting on our deck until 10:30pm following a day of 27c and a balmy evening wearing just jeans and a T shirt. This last week has gone as low as 6, but mainly 10-12 with a maximum of 20-22. I'm sure there is a change in our global climates, but to what degree humans contribute to this is open in my mind BUT there do seem to be consequences and we ought to be limiting as much human contribution as possible.

Rene and I are off to Cairns in a fortnight, coinciding with the Federal Election. We have already voted by postal vote and the envelopes were mailed today. We have two polling booths set up at the airport from tomorrow until Election Day.

All the politicking is directed to 15-17 seats where it is knife-edged, and our electorate is not one of them. Frankly I'm over the whole thing, including being somewhat disillusioned with the two major parties. As for the media...if for just once we could have some objective, unbiased reporting of events. Many times the commercial stations are making the news as in the disgraceful Mark Latham interview in Brisbane yesterday - a pathetic scene where a former leader of Labor is trailing the current Labor PM and trying to twist every single opportunity into a maniacal attempt at self promotion. I can't believe I registered to vote for him whilst I lived in The Netherlands in 2004. What an unattractive individual he has turned out to be. Mind you, even the drover's dog could look good beside John Howard.

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