Monday 29 January 2007

Managing Mayhem

No, this isn't about the evacuation of the Sydney domestic Terminal 2 on Sunday after some twit ran through the x ray equipment and wasn't apparently caught (how is that possible?), no, it's about trying to coordinate visits to 4 schools and six sets of teachers and no end of children. Did I mention it was 35 C today? Anyway, at the end of the day it seemed like things were starting to come together, but I just know that tomorrow there'll have to be changes made again, and the day after, but at least it's a start.

Two of my new children arrived last week from Iraq. The mother has five children, the father kidnapped, whereabouts unknown. She has to start a new life with a little support but no extended family. I know how hard it was for mine starting a new life here 42 years ago, and we spoke English and had a little money. I came home to a wonderful partner, a new home, cool air conditioning, juggling our two cars and a motor bike for space in the garage and driveway. For a while this afternoon I fully appreciated how blessed I am in this world. I know I soon forget and whinge about this and that, but for a while I reflected on my good fortune. I meet the two children tomorrow morning.

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