Saturday 27 January 2007

Back to work...

This week it was back to work for me. New schools to get used to, new routines, new staff, new children. Tuesday did see Rene and I squeeze in lunch with friends at a cafe at the Manly Yacht Club here in Brisbane. In addition on Tuesday night, whilst at a trivia night at a pub in Spring Hill, I received a call to see if I wanted some last minute work doing orientation lessons with Korean students just off the plane. I said yes and saw myself 18 hours later in a hot hall at a youth camp just 25km from home addressing thirty-three 9-16 year olds. I got paid well, including travel time, for two days. I just did 2x90 minute sessions, but it was exhausting work. Lovely kids. I spent one session on Australian life and the next day on Australian schools. These children are staying with families in Brisbane and attending local schools for 4 weeks. Good prospects of much more to come in this direction too. I like the Korean connection seeing as though I have two Korean nieces. I may be even contemplating a trip to Korea as a sort of cultural education journey. I need to know more about them and their schools/homes to make my presentations more effective.

Had to laugh though. I mentioned Guus Hiddink, the Dutch football coach who guided Australia so well in the last World Cup. Of course he is a god in Korea from the previous World Cup and the smiles his name elicited was exciting for me. One boy even stood up and showed the T shirt he was wearing proudly stating 'General Guss Hiddink' on the front.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha Guss...! I hope your leg is better, nice to read about you and the pics :-)