Wednesday 8 August 2007

Amazing update - just 24 hours since the last.

A couple of things: firstly Miss Saigon last night was good but far from great. Maybe we weren't close enough? I thought the sound could have been sharper, the diction a little clearer and the audience a little 'buzzier' (is that a word?). Don't get me wrong, it was very good, just not 'great'! I never realised it was so much like Madama Butterfly.

I came home this evening to a request by Rene to accompany him during his first week in the Centre at the end of the month. He feels for his first trip he needs a co driver just to be safe. I'd earlier indicated I'd go with him, but I was in fact the third person he asked. Some of the distances are quite impressively lengthy. We fly to Darwin on the 27th late arriving after midnight and a day later make our way southwards stopping at a couple of isolated communities before finally reaching Alice Springs by the weekend. He'll stay another 10 days or so, I'll fly back to Brisbane on the Sunday. I've never been to Alice Springs so it'll be fascinating for me.

Zandvoort in The Netherlands was the scene of a gigantic Lego man being washed up on the beach yesterday. It's thought he might have drifted from England, but whatever the source he stands adjacent to a drinks stand on the beach until someone claims him I guess (or is it finders keepers?).

Loved this cartoon in this week's NYT of a full plane. Very clever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mister Landowner Langdale,

I'm glad you are going with my brother on this long trip, feels good for me to know you are with him.
When we come to you next year there's another thing you have to show us; your first house in Brisbane/Adelaide street!!
Congratulations with the sale and lots of pleasure building your new nest!

Love and a big hug from Claartje