Friday 2 February 2007


We had a huge downpour this morning, over an hour of good solid rain. Lovely! It has also been cooler, a relief from the mid 30's and high humidity dominating Brisbane's weather this week. I don't work Fridays, so today Rene and I went to my doctor and we got our health declarations signed by her. This allows either of us to act for the other if they're incapable of doing so, with regards to traumatic health situations (car accidents, turning off life support, that unfortunate side of life we hope to never encounter).

I had an appointment then with a physiotherapist for my back and leg, and I'm improving impressively. Very happy about that. Rene joined me for coffee across the road with our friend Torquil, it was his home we were house sitting last year. He was at home doing 'stuff', his wife Di was at school being a frazzled principal. Next Friday Torq and I (Rene is staying home) are going to the Brisbane Motor Show to gawk at all the new cars, including the exotica and concept cars. I love being semi retired, I love three-day weekends. but I also love my work that I do on the other four days a week.

I have nearly got all my programs ready, almost met all the staff (not all the students) and will hit the road running on Monday morning. The beauty is that at present I may start at 8:30 each day but I finish around 12:30. I know it's going to increase, but for now that's enough.

The Chronicle in Toowoomba rang me yesterday to confirm my identity regarding an email I sent in to them this week. I'm hoping to be published tomorrow, but you never know with them. We'll see. I'm moaning about this water issue - again (yes, I know).

Tonight Rene and I dine with a former lecturer of mine, the lady who conducted the Technology and Second Language Learning unit. I'm also enrolled in the fourth and final unit for my Graduate Certificate in TESOL - Language and Culture. I think that'll be an interesting subject.

Finally, today Rene received in the post his latest Aboriginal painting and it's a stunner. Predominantly purple, it's awesome. I think this makes around 30 acquisitions in a few months. Me? I've bought one, but Rene is into this Central Desert art in a BIG way. Good on him!

That's all. Have a wonderful weekend. Lovely to hear from people with little comments etc. Had a lovely email yesterday from a former Toowoomba teaching colleague. Made my day. This mode of communication is superb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does René have a website to show al the art? Or.. can you post a picture??