Tuesday 28 December 2010

Just some extra news (which appears here first - go figure!)

This building is going to be built in Sydney for a university and is already nicknamed 'The Treehouse'. What a stunningly organic design. The following link gives you more detail. http://www.architectureanddesign.com.au/article/Frank-Gehry-unveils-his-Sydney-tree-house/526653.aspx
The second week of the vacation I was having lunch at Sandgate with friends when the most amazing storm hit Brisbane. We have had records broken all over the place regarding this year's cold, heat and rainfall.

The Aussie dollar is again at parity with the Greenback. As we head off to NZ tomorrow, the Aussie $1 is NZD 1.35 - this exchange rate is both good and bad for this country. We'll treat it for the next fortnight as good for us.

My Malaysian friend Malar is experiencing her dream Christmas - in Paris with kids and snow. The Trocadero looks wonderful - unless you actually want to go anywhere!

My favourite incredible picture of the year - in Guatamala - a huge sink hole in the middle of the city. Unbelievable!

Beetles mating (what will Grandpa think?).

Our friends, Frank and Edwina, have their beautiful home featured on the web page of an architecture company. They had their Fairfield home renovated and extended, and this was the main part of the result. Most impressive.

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