Saturday 16 October 2010

Sad news

Last Sunday was the 8th anniversary of Mum's death - a somewhat sad day, but what a brilliant (almost) eight years I've had since then with Rene. At 8:30pm the phone went and a friend of mine, Neil, from Canberra rang to say that his partner of seven years had died of a brain tumour. He was just 65 and had recently retired from the Commonwealth Public Service. Rene and I introduced these two fine fellows after Easter of 2003. Neil at that time was in Toowoomba and Gavin in Canberra. We met Gav in Canberra on a brief Easter holiday and then mentioned his name to Neil when we returned. Neil moved to Canberra in February 2004 whilst we were in The Netherlands. Earlier this year they were two days off leaving on a much anticipated trip to Europe when Gavin had an episode that warranted a trip to the doctor. The news wasn't good. His funeral is in Canberra on Monday. I didn't sleep much Sunday night.

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