Saturday 9 October 2010

Prostate Cancer Fund Raiser

September in Australia and NZ is officially 'Blue September' with money being raised for the fight against prostate cancer. I organised a sausage sizzle and morning tea plus a raffle targeting the staff at Brisbane International and we raised $2000 for research. Three fellow Airport Ambassadors (above) are cooking the 'snags'. This all happened on Friday September 17, two days before I flew off to Shanghai. It was the first time the Ambassadors had ever done anything outside of our regular shifts and it was a great success. We targeted Customs, airline staff, baggage handlers and even taxi drivers - in fact anybody who worked at Airport. As a group we've often raised money for a worthy cause, but it has always been within our group. This was our first venture out into the airport community - and it was a wonderful success. My thanks to everyone who made it possible, a terrific group effort.

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