Wednesday 30 April 2008

Equal rights for gays

Today (Queens Day in the Netherlands coincidentally) the Australian Federal Government announced the removal of around 100 pieces of discrimination against same sex couples involving such things as tax, superannuation, medical etc. The Opposition isn't likely to oppose this move. The issue of same sex marriage is not up for discussion but I suspect that it will be left until later in the term of this government. It is just too sensitive an issue to be allowed to cloud these 100 pieces of discriminatory legislation from passing through parliament. The government is to be congratulated for moving to correct an imbalance that has been long overdue for reform.

Rene and I last year went to a lot of trouble to ensure that as far as could be done legally we looked after each other as far as property, health issues and superannuation were concerned. If your will and other legalities haven't been reviewed for a while I'd recommend you attend to this sooner rather than later. We'd be happy to forward the name of our solicitor who specialises in same sex legal issues - she is very good indeed.

More information on the reforms are contained here:

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