Monday, 27 February 2012

Gillard's Win!

Woke up to the news that the Oscars were already announced AND Julia Gillard had won the standoff against K Rudd (71/31).  The Artist and Meryl Streep were sort of foregone conclusions as far as winners were concerned, but not so the political story leading every bulletin coming out of Australia. 

I must say I was surprised that it was so conclusive and I hope it means that people can concentrate now again on policies and not personalities.  Some Dutch people I have spoken with are aware of the clash of leaders but not necessarily the background leading up to it.  The surprise resignation of a young 40yo senator/minister in the wake of the turmoil has saddened me somewhat since I thought Mark Arbib was a shining light - but perhaps he's just as sick of the nonesense as the rest of us are?

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